Local Authorities

Providing local authorities and transport operators with the tools to plan better networks
West Sussex County Council

Understand & optimse your networks

Podaris has been used by LTAs and transport providers across the UK to analyse and optimise their existing transport networks and support Bus Network Reviews and Bus Service Improvement Plans.

As an invaluable toolkit for exploring the viability of services and surfacing the impact of alterations, Podaris helps users scrutinise routes in detail with a wide variety of tools. Corridor analysis, fare strategy modelling and catchment analysis can all be performed in a fraction of the time taken by more traditional GIS applications.
Podaris:Engage - a presentational window into your projects

Supporting Bus Service Improvement Plans (BSIPs)

Podaris has been instrumental in the development of BSIPs for Local Authorities within England, securing millions of pounds in funding for improvements to services.

It provides powerful cloud-based tools for planning and analysis, empowering you to derive insights from your existing network, compare the impact of proposed changes in terms of cost, service frequency, accessibility and a number of other metrics, and share your outputs as high-quality visualisations.
Podaris:Engage - a presentational window into your projects

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Web-based – nothing to install  •  Scalable enterprise solutions
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